Heather's Original Recipe from Daily Delights
Prep in mommy minutes: About 15 minutes from start to finish
chicken breasts
1 can sliced pineapple rings (reserve juice)
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c flour
1/2 c soy sauce
1/2 c pineapple juice
grated cheese
Put chicen in a baking pan and cover with mixture of brown sugar and flour. Pour soy sauce mixed with pineapple juice (from a can of sliced pineapple rings) over the top. Put the rings of pineapple on top of THAT. Cover with grated cheese. Bake one hour at 350.
Review: The sauce that this creates is Delicious. was worried about the flour on top of the chicken at first, but overall everything tasted Great! The sauce was great over rice! My cheese did burn but I did not watch it very well!
This was really good!!! I didn't add cheese since I forgot but it was still really good and the best part REALLY SIMPLE!!!!!!!